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VOLUME IV (2007)

Triptych with the Dancing Shepherds
Caroline van der Elst and Micha Leeflang

Rembrandt’s Simeon’s Song of Praise, 1631
Petria Noble and Annelies van Loon

Shedding some new light
Mark Richter

A peculiar emblematic still-life painting from Johannes Torrentius
Arie Wallert

Jasper Johns’ Untitled 1964-65’
Louise Wijnberg, Klaas Jan van den Berg, Aviva Burnstock, Emilie Froment

Ruben’s oil sketches for the Achilles Series: A focus on the imprimatura layer and drawing material.
Annetje Boersma, Annelies van Loon, Jaap Boon

The cloak of Young Woman Seated at a Virginal: Vermeer, or a later hand?
Valerie Sivel, Joris Dik, Paul Alkemade, Libby Sheldon, Henny Zandbergen

Blue and yellow pigments – the hidden colours of light in Cuyp and Vermeer
Libby Sheldon

Guns versus armour: A technical and historical exploration of the protective quality of armour versus gun performance in the period 1450-1700
Harm Stevens, Sylvia Leever and Joris Dik

Changes in appearance: unintentional lightening in stable interiors by Philips Wouwerman (1619-1668)
Johanneke Verhave. Annelies van Loon, Petria Noble

Volume 4 Book Review
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